
14th–18th July 2025, 5 days, 4 nights.

This tour is available both for those who want to bring their own horses and for those who would like to borrow horses from us.

Our adventure begins in Gunnarsholt as we ride towards Rjúpnavellir. From there, we follow the river and end up in Landmannahellir, where we spend the night. The next day, we head to Landmannalaugar, where you can soak in hot springs and explore the area.

On the following day, we pack our saddle bags with lunch and ride over the mountain towards Hólaskogur, enjoying a fantastic day entirely immersed in the wilderness. Unlike the other cabins Hólaskogur offers a beautifully renovated cabin for our stay. On the final day, we ride back to Rjupnavellir and return to Gunnarsholt.

July 14. - Gunnarsholt - Rjúpnavellir

We gather at Gunnarsholt around noon for a delightful light lunch together. After a brief introduction to the journey and the day's itinerary, we embark on our first ride to Rjúpnavellir, where we will spend our first night. A perfect start to our adventure in the tranquil lowlands.

July 15. - Rjúpnavellir - Landmannahellir

We ride from Rjúpnavellir, riding by the river and passing Áfangagil, turning into the heart of the Icelandic wilderness. The greene landscape gradually transforms into stunning sand dunes as we reach Landmannahellir, where we will spend the night immersed in nature’s beauty.

July 16. - Landmannahellir - Landmannalaugar

We set off from Landmannahellir, riding past the serene Frostastaðavatn lake. Along the way, we take a well-deserved break in the famous hot springs of Landmannalaugar, where you can relax and unwind before we return to Landmannahellir. For those who wish, a shorter ride around the lake on a single horse is an option, and later in the day, we can drive into the springs to continue the relaxation.

July 17 - Landmannahellir - Hólaskógur

A breathtaking day in the mountains awaits! We pack our saddlebags with delightful treats and ride over majestic mountain peaks towards Hólaskógur, while the vehicle takes another detour. We end our day with a barbecue in the beautiful house at Hólaskógur, surrounded by nature and the peaceful atmosphere of the Icelandic highlands.

July 18 - Hólaskógur - Rjúpnavellir/Gunnarsholt.

On the final day, we cross the iconic Sultatanga dam and either ride back to Rjúpnavellir or Gunnarsholt, depending on the condition of the horses. A perfect conclusion to an unforgettable journey through the Icelandic wilderness.

Amount of horses: 3-5

Km á dag: 30-50 km/dag

Price: without renting horses (bring your own): 225,000 ISK

Price with horse rental (horses provided by us): 330,000 ISK

The horses are driven the entire way and, therefore, need to be in good shape and accustomed to 'rekstur.' A mountain car is included and will be available throughout the entire trip.

All meals during the trip are included. You can expect a hearty breakfast in the mornings, hot lunches, and satisfying dinners featuring options like grilled fish, salted meat, or similar dishes. There will be a barbecue on the last day. Vegan and vegetarian options will also be available.

The cabins are traditional mountain cabins, and you must bring your own sleeping bag and pillow. The number of participants will range from 6 to 15 people. 

Once the total number of horses for the trip is determined, we will be able to provide a price for hay, which will be added to the final cost.

The confirmation fee is 20% of the total price and is non-refundable. The remaining amount must be paid four weeks before the trip begins. The last day to reserve a spot for the trip is April 1, 2025.

Ferðin verður rekstrarferð þar sem hrossin eru rekin alla leið og þurfa því að vera í góðu formi og rekstrarvön. Ferðahraðinn og lengd stoppa verður eftir óskum ferðahópsins. Trússbíll er innifalinn og keyrir með allan tímann.

Allur matur í ferðinni er innifalinn. Staðgóður morgunmatur alla morgna, léttur heitur matur í hádeginu og góður kvöldmatur eins og grillaður fiskur, saltkjöt eða álíka. Grill síðasta daginn. Vegan og grænmetisvalkostur verður einnig í boði.

Skálarnir eru hefðbundnir fjallaskálar og taka þarf með svefnpoka og kodda. Fjöldi þátttakenda verður á bilinu 6-15 manns.

Þegar heildarfjöldi hrossa í ferðinni liggur fyrir þá verður hægt að gefa upp verð varðandi hey og bætist sú tala við lokatöluna. Staðfestingargjald er 20% af heildarverði og er óafturkræft. Rest greiðist 4 vikum áður en ferð hefst. Síðasti séns að panta pláss í ferðina er 1. apríl, 2025.



